Master Class in Washington D.C.
So this is what happens when you just let GOD lead the way...... I honestly came to D.C. For work purposes and a lil vacation. I didn't come to dance I came to be poured into from creative workshops. I got asked yesterday to teach a masters class on dance at the Boys & Girls Club. In all my years of being a professional dancer and dance instructor I've never seen kids who have so much passion and talent I am truly amazed. As a professional dancer/ choreographer in all of my 16 years I've never seen children so well behaved and so full of life. The students at the boys and girls club #14 of the greater Washington D.C. Region truly touched my heart. They were so excited for a master class with Frederick Alphonso. We started with a group chat and affirmation about being a performing artist. Sharing with them a bit of the journey and what it takes to maintain this as a professional career. We then followed our talk back with a brief warm up with a little bit of technical dance, just to see where the students dance knowledge is based. It's very clear they are getting great instruction on a weekly basis because they are amazing dancers with a great technical base.

After our warm up wee jumped into a Chicago street hip hop routine to Bruno Mars' "Perm" a fun upbeat song about relaxing and putting your attitude on chill. The students were free to express themselves in a few "freestyle counts" along with the funky beat we added our classic Chicago style hip hop. After a 2 hours session it was clear these babies have warmed a special place in my heart.

These kids gave me life this evening. My spirt is rebuilt and my drive for the arts is even greater I'm ready to head back to the chi and 🗣TAKE THE CITY! I'm gonna keep saying it over and over YOU CREATE YOUR OWN DESTINY. If you wanna do something DO IT! Replace your fear with faith and watch GOD do the rest! My life is truly blessed and this is still my SEASON TO LIVE ! Special thanks to Tony Small and Ma. Brown ❤️