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2018 Best Black Playwright Winner

REFLECTIONS....... I’ve been through so much, call it bad fortune or a stream of luck. I now only have Dreams of moving forward. For so long it felt like my past has kept me boarded. However I’m breaking out NOW and everyday motivating myself and others somehow through the performing arts. Thanks to God my creator and the holy ghost my keeper, What an honor to receive this award and now to be given this title of “Best Black Playwright 2018 in the city of Chicago” Wow! To the Committee of the Black Mall! To my creative team at YCYOD! Thank you to my family who continues to countlessly come through and support my dreams. To my friends and my church family who support everything and understand my crazy schedule and this creative lifestyle I chose. To my black business owners this is a testament that hard work pays off, Never give up even through the blood, the sweat, the tears, the crazy clients and customers! Keep smiling, keep pushing and keep going. GOD BLESS YOU WAKANDA FOREVER! #awardspeech #bestblackplaywright #theblackmall #theblackmallawards #frederickalphonso #wakandaforever #buyblack #blackexcellence #swipeleft 

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